Thursday, August 03, 2006
So what did you do on your last day in Las Vegas then Velma Kay?

After the excitement of getting through to day three of the WSOP, reality hit us all a bit today. I was still very tense and anxious - even more so now I have a chance to make (or not) the money in the poker and Velma realised that it was her last day. To relieve the tension, we went to see a Tiger, Kay had a bath, and Velma Kay went to have her "Vegas Day".
Velma's "Vegas Day" consisted of cheesecake, various Elvis things - including meeting the guy who did the Elvis/Kingsmill bread adverts for the UK a year or two ago - getting a tattoo of hearts and going to the Mandalay Bay where they hold Ultimate Fighting Championships.
The two Kays have now gone to some Beatles "Love" thing, which I am sure will be excellent, but it was unclear whether all four of them would be there this evening.
Me? I had poker homework to do.