Tuesday, August 01, 2006
So, after two hours, all is ok. But then the table gets broken up...

OK, well after returning slightly late from the break - 20 minutes isn't much when you have to pee and try and leave a message on your msn byline and speak to the Kay - our table was broken up.
Every time 10 people were knocked out from anywhere in the tournament, they would break a table up and scatter you off into the winds to fill those seats. After doing this, they would seat more (new) players at that table to try and get the numbers up. As I was on table 10, this was one of the first to be broken up.
I got put on a table where I got up to 13,500 in chips - mainly by stealing blinds - but I then got moved again.
On this table, I was sat opposite an actor called Tony - you would recognise him straight away - and I can't for the life of me think what he has been in. Eventually, it'll come to me. On one table next to me was Barny Boatman; and on another was Cyndy Violette. Both were getting attention and during the break I introduced myself to Barny. Will try and catch him again. He says he didn't remember you Tony.
My big mistake here was losing almost 3000 chips to a short-stack by putting him all in when he had no option but to call. I had pocket tens, and his Ace-King got a King on the river.
After 4 hours of play, I was at 9900 - but Barny said it'd didn't matter at this stage.
I was finding it difficult at my new table as the players either side of me were fairly poor players, but there were a couple of good ones dotted in bad positions for me.
After 6 hours of play, I had 10,400 in chips and I met the Kays for me to eat and for us to catch up.
Level 4 - and I return to find I was on the move again. Luckily to a table where Kay could get some good photos as it was next to the rail, and they had just allowed spectators in. 6/7 hands later, and I was on the move again. I didn't know it at the time, but this was the table I would be at for the final 6 hours of the day, but it was deep in amongst the others, making it impossible for the Kays to see anything.
I get my chips up to 12000 winning a couple of hands as "the new unknown guy", and the Kays leave for an evening meal at the Bellagio. I start playing too may hands and I get re-raised too many times and have to fold. I go down to 8200, but I get them back to 9000. Then I make a great play.
I have Qd 9d in middle position and I raise (stupidly really), but one guy calls. The big blind is 200 and he calls 700 from me. We have about the same stack sizes. Flop comes 8h 4h 2c and I check. He bets 700 and I re-raise immediately making it 3500. I have "Jonny Check Raise" on my sleeve which is facing him and he takes an age to think about it. He eventually mucks (after maybe 5 minutes) and later says he had Kh Qh but read me for Jacks or Queens and said he couldn't stand that size of a raise. Very pleased with that one :-D
End of level 4 and after 8 hours of play I have 10,900. The average stack is 16,000 and there are about 1400 players left out of over 2000 who started the day.
In the next level I raised and won pots with tens, Kings, Queens and I showed a few of them to show them I don't play garbage cards ;-)
The players around me are fairly friendly, but none are particularly good.
We lose one player at this level and I get my chips up to 17,200. There's 1120 players left in and the average stack is 20,000.
It's close to 1.00a.m. and Kay has come to meet me. We have a quick catch up during the 20 minute break, and I feel confident for the first time that I will make it through to day two.
The final level, and antes and blinds are beginning to hit and it's clear a few people will be going out at this level.
I have never been all-in yet, nor knocked anyone out, but in this final level I would knock my first person out.
A raise from the button and a call from the small blind meant only another 800 for me in the big blind. I called with Ad 9d. An Ace came on the flop but we all checked. The small blind tried to steal the pot on the turn by betting 2000, but I quickly called and we then checked the river for me to show aces-up and move to 23,000 in chips.
I then call an all-in for 3750 with pocket tens and he flips over King-Jack. The board comes 99AA7 and I knock him out and my chips go up again.
I get pocket aces and get a caller, who folds Jacks on the flop, and I then check-raise trip Aces to another guy.
My chips peak at 34,000 and for the last hour I just coast.
I was knackered, but it cost me 4,000 in chips just to coast.
There is applause as we all realise that we have made it past the first day and we get assigned our new tables and seats for Wednesday. Our chips are bagged and sealed, and returning home and looking on the website, I find that I have lasted longer than Ross Boatman, Lennox Lewis, Johnny Chan, Dean Cain, Donnacha O'Dea, Scott Fischman, Ram Vaswani, Marcel Luske, Erik Seidel, Erick Lindgren and Chris Moneymaker.
As some of these are former world champions and Dean Cain is Superman, I'm feeling pretty good :-D
Thanks to all for your best wishes. I know that some of you tried to follow me on msn and the internet. Pocket MSN Messenger was constantly having problems and apparently the internet sites aren't following how I am getting on as much as you are.
Like me, be lucky :)
Must go to bed now.....
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Well done we have read your page and will keep an eye on it, hope that you do well, love Billy, Mambo Steve and Liberty X
Really exciting, following with interest, keep it up. You are doing brilliantly. Kays are obviously having a good time -love
Denise, Tony and Sarah
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Denise, Tony and Sarah
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