Friday, August 11, 2006
Leaving Las Vegas........after a 7 hour delay :-(

Well, being stuck at Las Vegas airport waiting for your flight (seven hours delay) gives you time to connect to their free wireless hotspot and reflect on "Leaving Las Vegas".
We have had a great time and have no regrets about anything.
The poker was great, and although I am still disappointed going out just before the money, I would have done the same thing again with pocket tens.
The Aladdin was great as a hotel, and I even won some money playing poker here. The views from our hotel room can be seen above, and we were minutes away from "M and M World" so I could sneak a cuddle from Miss Green (above).
We have not (yet!) fallen out at the airport being stuck here with little to do. Wed have watched the odd plane come and go, but there is nothing to do at this airport if ever you get stuck here. There is catering for about 40-50 to sit and eat, and seating for around 150 to play the slot machines. I kid you not! Only in Las Vegas ;-)
Looking forward to being picked up by my sister at Gatwick and then one night later arriving back in Newcastle.
Thanks for listening :-)
Jon and Kay